Development Environments
A development environment can often encompass both a code editor or integrated development environment (IDE) and the software necessary to compile and/or run code for debugging and testing purposes. Setting up a development environment is usually an important first step when getting started with a new programming language.
Most geographers rely on programming languages that are interpreted rather than compiled. Meaning they have to install software that includes a runtime environment that can run their code along with any open-source packages that their code depends on. Packager managers and virtual environment managers or tools that provide a combination of both, like mamba
, are extremely important for easing the process of setting up a development environment and ensuring that code can be shared with reproducible results.
Coding Playgrounds
Coding playgrounds are often used for instruction as well for testing code ideas on the fly. They essentially provide access to a pre-built development environment that runs a code editor or IDE in the user’s web browser while feeding code to a runtime environment that’s been installed on an isolated allotment of computing resources on a remote server.
The easiest way for a UBC faculty and student to access a development environment is through a JupyterHub service, like UBC LT’s Open Jupyter or UBC Syzygy. Both playgrounds enable users to connect to and interact with Jupyter Notebooks without having to install anything on their own machines. While convenient, these services come with significant drawbacks in computing power and will not work well in cases where computations are running on large datasets. For more intensive computational work either run JupyterLab on your local machine or access a JupyterHub instance running on one of the Alliance’s HPC clusters.
UBC Open Jupyter
Resources Per User:
- 1 CPU
- 2.5 GB RAM
- 10 GB Storage
Supported Software:
- Python 3.11.10
- R 4.3.3
- Julia 1.11.1
- An assortment of pre-installed Python and R packages
UBC LT provides access to a large collection of software within their JupyterHub instance, Open Jupyter, but many core geospatial packages are not currently installed in the environment. Review JupyterHub - Installing Packages for instructions on setting up alternative Jupyter kernels and installing additional packages.
UBC Syzygy
Resources Per User:
- 0.5 CPU
- 2 GB RAM
- 1 GB Storage
Supported Software:
- Python 3.12.8
- R 4.4.1
- GDAL 3.9.1
- PROJ 9.4.1
- GEOS 3.12.1
- An assortment of pre-installed Python and R packages
As an experimental alternative to JupyterHub, JupyterLite similarly runs JupyterLab, but rather than allocate resources on a remote server, JupyterLite leverages WebAssembly (WASM) to install runtime environments and various packages directly in the user’s web browser alongside JupyterLab.
UBC Geography has setup an experimental deployment of JupyterLite. This is the fastest and easiest method for accessing a local instance of JupyterLab, but it’s also the least stable and lacks many of the same features that would be included in an instance that’s either running on JupyterHub or has been installed locally via pip
or mamba
, so it’s best used in more limited use cases.
Google Earth Engine
Providing a code editor, a basic JavaScript runtime environment, and access to a massive collection of remote sensing data via a well-documented API, Google Earth Engine is a highly-specialized coding playground for running complex analysis on the GEE datasets. To get started, researchers, instructors, and students will need a Google account and a noncommercial Google Cloud Project, which can be setup here. JavaScript - GEE provides resources for getting started with GEE through the code editor and API.
Similar to Google Earth Engine, Glitch provides a JavaScript-based coding playground, but focuses on web development rather than remote sensing. It can provide a quick way of setting up either a static website or a very basic web application. For geographers, Glitch is particularly useful for developing web maps and WebXR content. Glitch also provides a useful feature that enables users ‘remix’ each others projects by using another project as a template for new one.
Virtual Environment Managers
Virtual environments are an important tool for isolating multiple Python projects on a single machine, and their use is highly recommended when starting new projects. By isolating your projects, you can ensure that each project is only using the specific Python packages that were identified and installed for running it. This makes the project easier to reproduce while also reducing errors caused by clashing package dependencies.
For a very helpful introduction to virtual environments, check out the Environments Tutorial from the Opensource Computing for Earth Science Education (OCESE) Project.
UBC ARC - Virtual Environment 2023 - Videos: Part 1 (virtualenv) & Part 2 (conda)
Getting Started with Conda, Virtual Environments, and Python
Conda and Mamba
and it’s faster alternative, mamba
, are extremely powerful tools for both managing virtual environments and packages. Using conda install
provides the ability to install a range of packages that either aren’t available or can’t be installed via Python’s built-in package manager, Pip. Additionally, Conda enables you to install and manage multiple versions of Python or a range of other programming languages on a single machine using virtual environments.
If you need to install mamba
and conda
on your device, we suggest using the link below to install it using the Miniforge installer.
Python - venv and virtualenv
venv is a lightweight module that has been included with base installations of Python since version 3.3 and enables you to quickly setup and manage virtual environments for your project. virtualenv is a more powerful alternative to venv, but unlike venv it needs to be installed separately via pip. Both modules lack the same level of functionality as conda, but they can be helpful tools for those who are still getting comfortable with Python or don’t need conda’s added functionalities.
R - renv
R’s equivalent to virtualenv is renv, which itself is a successor to another R-based virtual environment manager, packrat. renv has been developed by the same team behind RStudio and it’s usage is recommended within the RStudio user guide.
Integrated Development Environments (IDE) and Code Editors
Project Jupyter consists of an ecosystem of open-source projects that support the creation and distribution of computational notebooks. While Jupyter supports computational notebooks with kernels from a wide range of programming languages, it specializes in Python while also providing strong support for R and Julia. Much of the Jupyter ecosystem has been written in and/or runs on Python.
For those just getting started with Jupyter, UBC’s COMET Project has developed a great tutorial on creating and editing computational notebooks through JupyterLab.
For an in-depth walkthrough of the entire Project Jupyter ecosystem, review the Jupyter Tutorial.
Jupyter Notebooks
The term Jupyter Notebooks is used interchangeably to refer to the Jupyter Notebook file format for computational notebooks and the user interface that has most commonly been to used to author and edit them. In recent years, the Project Jupyter team has slowly encouraged users to migrate from the classic Jupyter Notebook interface to JupyterLab, its more feature-rich successor.
You can install and run JupyterLab on your local machine in three separate ways. The traditional and most flexible approach is to install JupyterLab as a Python package using pip
, conda
, or mamba
and starting it from the Jupyter command line interface. We recommend the latter using the following commands to create a new environment and install Jupyter along with it’s dependencies within that environment.
$ mamba create -n jupyter jupyterlab -y
Then activate the Jupyter environment and start Jupyter Lab.
$ mamba activate jupyter
(jupyter) $ jupyter lab
This will fire up a Jupyter server and open the JupyterLab interface directly in your web browser.
For those who may be uncomfortable with installing Python and/or using command line interfaces, Project Jupyter has also released a simple-to-use desktop application, named JupyterLab Desktop. This application comes packaged with Python and a default set of packages that are frequently used in scientific computing.
Jupyter Kernels
Jupyter uses the term kernel to refer to separate programming languages with their own interactive shells. It’s not uncommon to have multiple projects running in different programming languages. This is where kernels can come in handy as they enable you to have multiple, isolated computing environments available within a single IDE.
When you installed JupyterLab with mamba
, it came with its own preferred version of Python on which it is dependent. This installation of Python is immediately added as your default Jupyter kernel.
and for R it is r-irkernel
. You can find a comprehensive list of packages for various programming languages here.
You are more than welcome to start installing Python packages into the Jupyter virtual environment to make them available to the default Python kernel and the Jupyter notebooks that are running off that kernel, but we recommend taking the additional step of installing another kernel that runs in a separate environment from Jupyter. Yes, that means that you’ll have at least three different installations of Python running on your machine if you are using and that might feel a bit redundant, but the additional isolation and flexibility will be well worth it as they’ll ensure that you can customize your Jupyter environment with all the extensions you want alongside a Python environment that can run any package you need on whatever Python version you want (only stable and maintained versions please). This comes with the added benefit of being able to export and share your conda environment and ensuring that those you share it with only install the packages that they need to run your code.
Open a new terminal either in JupyterLab or a shell environment with access to mamba
. Then create a new virtual environment with the version of Python that you’d like to install along with ipykernel
$ mamba create -n python_env python=3.12 ipykernel -y
Next, use ipykernel
to install the virtual environment as a Jupyter kernel.
$ mamba run -n python_env python -m ipykernel install --user --name python_env --display-name "Python (python_env)"
Launch JupyterLab, if it isn’t already running, and you should see the python_env environment listed as a kernel in the launcher.
Similar to Python, you have the option of running an R kernel within the same environment as Jupyter or from an entirely separate one. Unfortunately, setting up an R kernel can be a little more complex, so the recommended approach is to run your R kernels alongside Jupyter within their own separate virtual environments. This loses some of the convenience of operating within a single JupyterLab setup or alternatively running within an R-centered IDE, like RStudio, but it comes with the key benefit of enabling your R code to be shared in a larger Jupyter-based ecosystem.
$ mamba create -n r_env r-base r-irkernel jupyter -y
$ mamba run -n r_env Rscript -e "IRkernel::installspec(name='r_env',displayname='R (r_env)')"
$ mamba run -n r_env jupyter lab
If you are keen to attempt to add an R kernel to an exiting Jupyter environment and don’t mind running into a few issues, you can try the following set of commands.
Create your R-based conda environment, which will be hosting the kernel, and activate it.
$ mamba create -n r_env r-base r-irkernel -y
$ mamba activate r_env
Then from a Bash environment copy the kernelspec directory that is included with the r-irkernel package. This directory holds a default kernel config that is used when installing kernels in Jupyter.
$ cp -r $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/R/library/IRkernel/kernelspec r_env_kernel
First run one sed
command on the Jupyter kernel config file that replaces the command that starts the default installation of R with a command that points to the installation of R running in your virtual environment.
Be sure to replace <user_name>
with your Windows username.
$ sed -i 's/"R", /"C:\\\\Users\\\\<user_name>\\\\miniforge3\\\\Scripts\\\\mamba.exe", "run", "-n", "r_env", "R", /' r_env_kernel/kernel.json
$ sed -i 's/"R", /"mamba", "run", "-n", "r_env", "R", /' r_env_kernel/kernel.json
Then update the display name used in the Jupyter launcher to match your environment name.
$ sed -i 's/"display_name":"R"/"display_name":"R (r_env)"/' r_env_kernel/kernel.json
Deactivate your environment.
$ mamba deactivate
Finally, install the kernel into Jupyter and cleanup by deleting the temporary kernel config directory.
$ mamba run -n jupyter jupyter kernelspec install r_env_kernel --user
$ rm -rf r_env_kernel
When you start up JupyterLab, the new R kernel should be listed in the launcher.
Helpful Extensions
Git & GitHub
Linting, Formatting, and Benchmarking
Geospatial Libraries
While JupyterLab excels at providing an intuitive environment for creating and editing Python-based computational notebooks, RStudio provides a similarly intuitive environment for working with the R programming language. It provides useful tools for writing R scripts, interacting with the R console, or developing R-based computational notebooks with Quarto or RMarkdown.
You can find installers for multiple operating systems here.
When starting a new R project in RStudio, always checkmark ‘Use renv with this project’. This will ensure that you create an isolated and reproducible environment similar to those that are produced with mamba
or Python’s venv
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a more general-purpose programming environment compared to JupyterLab and RStudio that excels for writing scripts and programs in Python, JavaScript, Julia, and a broad range of other programming languages. VS Code is also capable of running computational notebooks through well-supported extensions, but it can feel less intuitive for some users.
UBC Library Research Commons - VS Code Overview in Setting Up a Dev Environment
Visual Studio Code Distilled: Evolved Code Editing for Windows, macOS, and Linux