Deploying Omeka Classic

Omeka Classic is a free and open-source content management system that focuses on supporting the development, curation, and sharing of digital exhibits. Researchers with access to an Omeka Classic instance can upload digital media files alongside a rich set of metadata that can help contextualize and highlight relationships among different collection items.

This page provides a tutorial on how to deploy an Omeka Classic instance to an Alliance Cloud virtual machine (VM) with the option to store media files in an Arbutus Object Storage container (bucket). The deployment process is relatively technical and has the following requirements:

For alternative options that require less technical knowledge, both and Reclaim Hosting provide affordable shared hosting with Omeka either already installed or installable through an easy one-click process.

Before setting up an Omeka Classic instance, it can be helpful to review the Omeka Manual’s Site Planning Tips. This will help you ensure your instance meets the needs of your project while also identifying which features to pull into your instance through added plugins.


  1. Canada-based faculty can access cloud computing resources through the Alliance Cloud. The best-suited resource for running an ongoing service is a persistent virtual machine, which acts as a virtual private server. Create an account with Alliance (if you haven’t already done so) and submit a Rapid Access Service request (RAS) with the number of resources that you anticipate using. The following resource recommendations should accommodate the needs of most Omeka Classic instances, but you should request more if you anticipate heavy traffic or higher storage needs.

    • vCPU: 1
    • Instances: 1
    • Volumes: 1
    • Volume snapshots: 0
    • RAM: 1.5
    • Floating IPs: 1
    • Persistent storage: 20
    • Object storage: 0
    • Shared filesystem storage: 0

The recommendations above provides 20 GB of storage in total to your VM. You can anticipate that about 2.5 GB will be reserved for the Linux OS, leaving you with 17.5 GB of storage for media assets. Omeka instances often require a significant amount of storage, particularly when hosting large, high-quality video files. Adjust your request for persistent storage as needed. If you plan on using more than 50 GB of storage, consider including object storage in your request and using that for as your media storage location. Details about integrating object storage with an Omeka instance are noted below.

  1. Once your request has been approved, the Alliance Cloud team will provide you with access to an OpenStack dashboard, where you’ll be able to manage your allocated cloud resources. Follow the Alliance’s Cloud Quick Start guide to set up an SSH key pair (if you haven’t already generated one) and launch a persistent virtual machine. We recommend using the Debian image as your boot source. You should also review security considerations with running a VM.

  2. You should now have SSH access to your virtual machine, and you can start installing Omeka’s system dependencies, which includes MariaDB, Apache2, PHP, and ImageMagick, with the following command. We’ll also include Unzip, which will be used to extract the Omeka source code after downloading it from the developer’s releases page.

    sudo apt install mariadb-server libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-xml imagemagick unzip
  3. Next we’ll want to lock down MariaDB to improve its security by running the following command and running through the prompts that appear.

    sudo mysql_secure_installation
  4. Now that the MariaDB installation has been secured, you can start setting up Omeka’s database. Remember to replace <password> with a secure password.

    sudo mysql
    > CREATE USER 'omeka'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
    > CREATE DATABASE omeka CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
    > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON omeka.* TO 'omeka'@'localhost';
    > exit;
  5. With the system dependices installed and a secure database created, we can now download the Omeka source code from GitHub and extract it from the zip archive.

  6. Ensure Omeka can access its database by modifying the db.ini config file to include the database name and user info. Again, replace <password> with the same password you provided in step 5.

    nano omeka-3.1.2/db.ini
    host        = "localhost"
    username    = "omeka"
    password    = "<password>"
    dbname      = "omeka"
  7. Omeka relies on an Apache web server to render and serve pages, so we’ll move Omeka’s source code into Apache’s default root directory and update the permissions on the source code files. This will enable Apache to read and execute Omeka’s PHP code.

    sudo mv omeka-3.1.2 /var/www/omeka
    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/omeka/files
    sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/omeka/files
  8. We’ll then need to configure Apache, so it starts correctly serving files from the Omeka directory.

    sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
    DocumentRoot /var/www/omeka
    <Directory "/var/www/omeka" >
      AllowOverride All
    sudo a2enmod rewrite
    sudo systemctl restart apache2
  9. Through your domain name registrar, create a DNS A record that points your domain name or subdomain to your VM’s floating IP address. Then you’ll need to open up the standard HTTP/HTTPS ports (80 and 443) on your VM’s network firewall through the OpenStack Security Groups. To do this, create a new security group and add both the HTTP and HTTPS rules to it. Navigate to the virtual machine’s interfaces tab and add the new HTTP/HTTPS security group to it alongside the default security group.

  10. Omeka should now be available through HTTP, but to ensure visitors can access it securely, a certificate will need to be acquired to enable HTTPS. Certbot is a great tool that can automate much of the process for you, and step-by-step instructions can be found here.

  11. Finally, access Omeka through your provided domain name and finalize the installation process by creating your user account. You now have a running Omeka instance can start uploading and describing your materials.

Plugins (Optional)

Omeka provides the following plugins, which can be easily installed from the Admin Plugins pages.

  • COinS
  • Exhibit Builder
  • Simple Pages

Omeka also provides a comprehensive listing of additional plugins along with instructions on adding new plugins to your Omeka instance in the Omeka Classic Manual.

For many geographers, the Geolocation plugin will be a very helpful one to add, so we’ve included instruction for installing it below:

  1. Connect to your Omeka VM using SSH.

  2. Download the Geolocation plugin source code.

  3. Move the Geolocation source code to Omeka’s plugin directory

    sudo mv Geolocation /var/www/omeka/plugins
  4. Open the Omeka Admin Plugins page in your web browser and install the Geolocation plugin. Once the installation is finished you should see a new map tab listed when uploading and describing new items.

Object Storage (Optional)

Object storage, like AWS S3, is often cheaper and easier to request in larger quantities than the traditional persistent storage assigned to a shared hosting account or cloud VM. Reclaim Hosting provides a very helpful piece of documentation on integrating AWS S3 with an Omeka Classic instance running on their shared hosting services. This section adapts that documentation with a focus on using the Alliance Cloud’s Arbutus Object Storage and includes the following requirements:

  • A Unix or Unix-like shell
  • Python and pip

As note earlier, you’ll need to modify your RAS request to include an allocation for object storage. Once that request has been approved, you’ll be granted access to the Arbutus OpenStack dashboard, where you’ll be able to start creating object storage containers, also known as buckets. We have brief instruction on how to do so here. Note that you’ll need ensure your object storage container is public to ensure uploaded files are available to anonymous users.

To connect your Omeka instance to an Arbutus Object Storage container, you’ll need to generate an access key and a secret key using an OpenStack command line tool. These credentials will then be used in your Omeka config file to authenticate your instance to Arbutus Object Storage.

  1. Before you can start using the OpenStack command line tool, you’ll need to have access to a Unix or Unix-like shell, like BASH. MacOS and Linux users will already have this through their terminal applications while Windows users will need to install it, with the most recommended approach being Git BASH, which is included with Git for Windows.

  2. Next you’ll download a shell script from the Arbutus OpenStack dashboard, called an OpenStack RC File, which can be found by opening the dropdown under your username in the upper right-hand corner of the OpenStack dashboard. And use the following command to run the OpenStack RC File, which will be used to authenticate the command line tool to manage your allocated resources.

    source <project-name>
  3. The OpenStack command line tool is distributed as a Python package, so you can install it using Python’s package manager, pip. The following commands use mamba to install the tool into a virtual environment. You can learn more about mamba and virtual environments here.

    mamba create -n openstack
    mamba activate openstack
    (openstack) python -m pip install python-openstackclient
  4. With the OpenStack command line tool installed, you can now generate a new set of credentials that can then be used to authenticate your Omeka instance with your Arbutus project.

    (openstack) openstack ec2 credentials create

    When the credentials are generated, values will be provided for both an access key and a secret key. These are the equivalent of a username and password for your Alliance project, so record them and keep them secure.

  5. Finally, you’ll need to modify one of Omeka’s config files to direct your instance to start using object storage by providing your access key, secret key, and the name of your container. Additionally, you’ll need to update the adapter and endpoint using the values listed below.

    nano /var/www/omeka/application/config/config.ini
    storage.adapter = "Omeka_Storage_Adapter_ZendS3"
    storage.adapterOptions.accessKeyId = <access key>
    storage.adapterOptions.secretAccessKey = <secret key>
    storage.adapterOptions.bucket = <container name>
    ; storage.adapterOptions.expiration = 10 ; URL expiration time (in minutes)
    storage.adapterOptions.endpoint =
    storage.adapterOptions.forceSSL = 1 ; Boolean value (optional)