
Databases, and particularly spatial databases as a piece of GIS software, play a crucial role in storing and accessing geospatial data. Multiple relational database management systems can be extended to support spatial databases, while common geospatial data formats like GeoPackage and Esri’s Geodatabase are self-contained databases.

Understanding how databases and how to query them efficiently with SQL, is an extraordinarily useful skill when working with geospatial data.


When running memory-intensive workloads, DuckDB is a powerful tool to have on hand. Unlike many other database management systems, which focus on data storage, DuckDB focuses on data analysis, and it includes easy installation methods for Python, R, and JavaScript environments.


Due to the PostGIS extension, PostgreSQL is one of the most commonly used database management systems for storing and accessing geospatial data. GIS software, like GeoServer and QGIS, provide tight integrations around PostGIS-enabled databases.


While it’s possible to host a PostgreSQL database on your local machine, to take full advantage of a relational database management system, you’ll want to host the database on its own server. The Digital Research Alliance provides free database hosting for researchers based in Canada through their cloud computing services, and alternatively, many commercial cloud computing and software-as-a-service providers include specialized services for hosting databases.


Cloud / SaaS Providers

GIS Extensions / Libraries

MySQL and MariaDB

While not nearly as a popular in geospatial computing as PostgreSQL, MySQL and its closely-related fork, MariaDB, are extraordinarily popular database management systems, which remains a fundamental building block for many open-source web applications, like WordPress, Drupal, Omeka-S, and Scalar.


Similar to PostgreSQL, both the Alliance cloud and numerous commercial cloud providers include support for hosting and managing instances of a MySQL server.


Cloud / SaaS Providers

GIS Extensions / Libraries